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Gone are the days when people only knew your blog or website with the coming in or over-exposure on social media. In today’s tech-savvy world our Social Media team ensure strong web presence of the company and help to bring quality contents over quantity. Xapads is looking for a tech-savvy candidate who has a proven track record of delivering results in highly competitive environments. The role will involve analyzing of campaigns, providing SMO analysis and recommendations in coordination with elements and structure of websites and web pages.


  1. Experience working with popular social media advertising platforms found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn in particular.
  2. Experience working with popular social media monitoring tools (Google, Radian 6, Twitter Search, Social Mention, Traackr, etc) and popular social media management tools (TweetDeck, HootSuite, HubSpot etc).
  3. Experience with website analysis using a variety of analytics tools including Google Analytics, Google Search Console as well as internal reporting tools.
  4. Experience working with CMS and building/administering content in CMS environments.


  1. 2 years of experience in social media marketing.
  2. Knowledge of HTML/CSS, WordPress, and website administrations.
  3. Educational Qualification B.Tech/BE.


To apply for this position, send an email to our careers mailbox ( In the email make sure to include your resume and any additional information you would feel relevant for this role.  
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